Child Safe Environment Policy


  • We want children and young people who participate in our therapy programs, either individually or as part of a group, to have a safe and happy experience. 
  • We support, value and respect children, young people, staff, volunteers, and students. 
  • We have zero tolerance for harm, or risk of harm, bullying and harassment, and we will ensure that all children, young people, staff, volunteers, and students are kept safe at all times within our care.

Our policy guides Therabees staff, volunteers and students on how to behave with children in our organisation in accordance with the Children & Young People (safety) Act 2017 and the National Principles for child safe organisations which relate to creating child safe environments. The policy focuses on how we can promote a child or young person’s participation in our organisation and ensure their safety.

Scope of Policy

Therabees Child Safe Environment Policy applies to all employees of Therabees including management, staff, work experience and university placement students, contractors, children, young people, and families. Direct employees of Therabees are expected to accept and act in accordance with the Child Safe Environments Policy, outside contractors and student placements will be provided a copy of this policy and are expected to accept and act on the policy as a condition of their contract agreements with Therabees.

Commitment to the Safety of Children and Young People

All children and young people are valued, respected, and encouraged to participate and that the safety and protection of children and young people is always the first priority.

Our Child Safe Environment Policy complies with the Children and Young People (Safety) Act 2017, Child Safety (Prohibited Persons) Act 2016 and the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations. Therabees commitment to diversity i.e., all children and young people are embraced regardless of their abilities, sex, gender, or social economic or cultural background and equity is upheld. Under no circumstances will bullying and harassment will not be tolerated.

Supporting Participation

Therabees supports the active participation of children and young people in our organisation. We listen to their views, respect what they say and involve them when we make decisions, especially about matters that will directly affect them. These supports are offered via consultation methods suited to the client, considering age, development level and cultural background. An age-appropriate feedback form is also available on our website at Therabees makes our Child Safe Environment Policy available to children, young people, and families / carers on our website and / or on request as well as being provided as part of the New Client Participant handbook on or before their initial appointment. The policy is also available to all staff, volunteers and student placements on the company drive as well provided as part of the induction process.

Support Staff, Volunteers and Students

  1. We promote respect, fairness and consideration for all staff, volunteers, and students.
  2. All new staff, volunteers and students have a senior staff member assigned to support and supervise their work.
  3. All new staff, volunteers and students will receive a copy of the Child-safe Policy, Code of Conduct, and a Handling of Complaints policy.
  4. All staff employed or on placement with Therabees must complete, at a minimum, the responding to Risk of Harm, Abuse and Neglect fundamentals course (for casual placement staff) in addition to the Risk of Harm, Abuse and Neglect masterclass course. A refresher course must be completed every 3 years for all employed staff.
  5. Upon induction all staff are expected to read, and then after 12 months of service with Therabees, review the: Safe environments for children and young people mandatory information booklet:


  1. Statement – Therabees will maintain a rigorous and consistent recruitment, screening, and selection process.
  2. Practice – Therabees ensures that all recruitment practices include job descriptions outlining a clear commitment to child safety and wellbeing, successful applicants who are then at the interview stage will be asked multiple behavioural questions on child protection. A minimum of 2 referees must be provided by the applicant and Therabees will call to gain any additional information to ensure that a suitable candidate is employed. Applicants must also hold a “not prohibited” WWCC (Working with Children Check) via Screening Unit Online Organisational Portal of the Department of Human Services for ALL potential employees and volunteers regardless of their recruited role into the company as well as a valid NDIS Worker Screening Check. All certification is kept on file and updated regularly when required.
  3. Training- All staff will pass mandatory training for Responding to Risk of Harm Abuse and Neglect every 3 years, CPR refresher every 12 months and First aid training every 3 years, as per NDIS and our registering bodies guidelines. All Therabees staff will undertake continuous training, refresher, and development courses in relation to child protection and mandatory reporting to ensure Therabees always remains a child safe environment.


Code of Conduct

Therabees prides itself on the professionalism and the ability of its staff to meet participant and other stakeholder needs. The organisation strives to be a leading service provider and to provide a safe, healthy, and happy workplace.

Our Code of Conduct is designed to ensure that all staff, volunteers, stakeholders, parents / caregivers, children, and young people are treated in a manner that reflects Therabees’ Mission, culture and legal obligations. All staff must be provided with and sign the Therabees Staff Code of Conduct, acknowledging their participation and acknowledgement of this policy, upon commencement with the company. Should Therabees, or people engaged by Therabees be found to have breached the NDIS / Therabees code of conduct or the Child Safe Environment policy, Therabees will comply with any education, compliance or enforcement action stipulated by the Department of Human Services and the NDIS commissioner.

Complaints / Concerns / Feedback

  1. Any general complaints, concerns or feedback can be forwarded, in confidence, to the Director, Gemma Hepburn or the Practice Manager, Cassandra Pocock
  2. The Director or Practice Manager will contact the client and arrange a suitable time either in person or over the telephone to discuss any concerns.
  3. Appropriate action will be negotiated by both the client and Director / Practice Manager.
  4. A formal complaints document will be completed and signed by both the client and Director/ Practice Manager and held on file for 5 years.

Risk Management

All staff, placements and volunteers engaged by Therabees are required to obtain and complete a “Participant Risk Management” form before undertaking any form of therapy with a child. This may also be in addition to an “Offsite Risk Management” form if appointments will not be undertaken within a Therabees clinic.

Mandated Reporters and Reporting

All employees and volunteers of Therabees are mandated reporters and adhere to the Children and Young People (Safety) Act 2017.

A mandated notifier is required by law to notify the Department for Child Protection if they suspect on reasonable grounds that a child or young person is, or may be, at risk of harm. This obligation arises when a mandated notifier forms this suspicion in the course of their employment (whether paid or voluntary).

A mandated notifier must make the notification as soon as is reasonably practicable after forming the suspicion. The person who identifies the harm is the person to make the report.

To make a report, call the Child Abuse Report Line on 13 14 78 or in there is an immediate risk, call SA Police on 000.

All staff are trained, are aware and have access to the assessment framework set in place to protect children and families when harm has occurred.


We will hold regular information sessions for staff, volunteers, and students.

Our policy will be discussed during induction sessions for all new staff, volunteers, and students.

Children and parents joining our program/s will receive a copy of the Policy, Code of Conduct and Dealing with Complaints Process.


As per the Children and Young People (Safety) Act (s.115), a new compliance statement lodgement is required with the Department of Human Services each time the policy is reviewed / updated. The policy and guidelines will be reviewed every five years and incorporate comments and suggestions from children and young people, parents, staff, volunteers, and students.


To acknowledge and sign this policy, please click the link below to download, print and sign a copy.

Child Safe Environment Policy.

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