
About Ryan

Ryan is an experienced Allied Health Assistant who joined our team in November 2022.

Ryan's experience comes from his time working in special education schools as a Speech Pathology assistant in the UK. He has worked with many children including neurodivergent children, hearing impaired children and children who have attachment and trauma disorders.

A love of continuous study has led Ryan to complete Bachelor of Sports Science, Master of Sports Biomechanics and a Masters module of

Applied Linguistics and English Language. In addition to this he has also completed courses in Colourful semantics, Attention Autism, Lego therapy, vocabulary acquisition and phonological awareness.

Outside of work Ryan enjoys travelling and has visited and lived in many different countries. He is now settled in Adelaide with his Speechie wife and little girl.


*If you wish to see Ryan for therapy please contact our team who can book your child in with a registered therapist to assess and develop a plan for your child which Ryan will follow*